Thursday, February 12, 2015

To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog

Dave Perillo, aka Montygog, was an illustrator who's talents and inspiration were sparked at a very young age. His interests ranging from cartoon shows like: Scooby Doo, The Flinstones, The Looney Tunes, GI Joe, and the Super Friends were "infused" into his brain. He has accumulated 13 years of illustrating experience. Dave believes that art doesn't have to be serious, but rather it is a medium that can be played with. His artistic talents are self taught and he has received a BA in Graphic Design. Montygog's advice for emerging illustrators is "Keep creating. If you love it and have a passion for it, just keep doing it. Also, I believe it's extremely important to develop your own style/'thing'." I find his style to be simple and a bit like what you would find in a 70's animated advertisement. You can't argue with the precision in his work but it doesn't strike me as much as something done in a more modern style would.

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